Thema Group
New Product Forecasting
"Prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future …Nils Bohr

About Us

What We Do

  • We deliver reasonable and timely forecasts of demand for new products and services.
  • We provide a fair and balanced assessment of the market potential for a new product or service.
  • We develop a detailed Sales Forecast Report that spells out the impact that competition and your pricing and promotion decisions will have on demand.

Our Story

Robert O’Rourke

"If I see one more marketing plan that claims to get 2 percent of the market in the first year, I am going to self-destruct.

How do I get them to think about market research and its role in developing realistic sales forecasts?

"I need a way to get the marketing research process across to them!"

...Robert O’Rourke

Several years ago, I expressed my frustration about how prospective businesses went about estimating the demand for a new product. Basically, the approach was to look at the target market and assume that “2 percent” of it was available right away.

While this approach makes it easier to develop a marketing plan, it makes it harder to defend the demand forecasts as reasonable, given that they paid little attention to market research. And, without a reasonable demand forecast, there was little hope of seeing a reasonable sales forecast.

From this experience, I realized that there was a need for a software program that could take market research data and:

  • Calculate the size of the market; i.e. market demand, and
  • Use pricing and promotion decisions and adjustments for seasonal variation to convert demand forecasts into sales forecasts.

This software program is called NewCast. To see how it works, click on the video below.

  • Benefits of New Product Forecasting
    • Provides a sense of direction for your business
    • Helps you remain competitive
    • Reduces the risk of launching a potentially unsuccessful product
    • Reduces the risk of failing to launch a potentially successful product
    • Aids in the creation of marketing and business plans
    • Aids in securing financing