Thema Group
New Product Forecasting
"Prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future …Nils Bohr

Case Studies

What Case Studies Tell You

  • They show you how similar businesses deal with the challenges of introducing new product and services.
  • They let you explore the real world of new product forecasting.
  • They show you how these studies can serve as a guide to future action.
  • They demonstrate how businesses develop alternative courses of action in the face of new product forecasts.

Our Case Studies

  • Golf Bag Cooler: A start-up with a product idea that would have a lot of competition. Thema Group developed a sales forecast, breakeven analysis, and analysis of the impact of changes in pricing and promotion.
  • PDQuik Lube: An existing service business, operating in a very competitive market, is looking to diversify its operations by adding a new service. Thema Group developed a sales forecast and breakeven analysis.
  • Thomas Manufacturing: An existing manufacturer, with mature products facing a declining market, is looking to add some new products that would complement the existing product line.
  • Golf Bag Cooler

    Happiness is pulling a cold beverage out of your golf bag when the clubhouse is four fairways away. Working up a sweat to get to a golf course clubhouse is what prompted Dan Knight and Rick Hilton to invent their Golf Bag Cooler... Story & Sales Forecast Report

  • PDQuik Lube

    Detailing cars is quite different from changing the oil in the vehicle. Yet, Tom Lindsay feels that he has no choice but to consider this new service. The fast lube business is getting very competitive and he needs an additional source of income... Story & Sales Forecast Report

  • Thomas Manufacturing

    We have to broaden our product line in order to attract new customers”, said Tom Rogers, CEO of Thomas Manufacturing. “We have some older products which are experiencing declining sales and we need some replacements for them... Story & Sales Forecast Report