Thema Group
New Product Forecasting
"Prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future …Nils Bohr

Sales Forecast Options

There are three forecast options available. The data input requirements for each are listed below.

Sales Forecast
  • Industry and target market description and outlook (optional)
  • Number of monthly forecasts/starting month and year
  • Size and growth rate of the target market
  • Number and type of competitors
  • Length of time for the growth cycle and the pattern of growth you expect
  • Pricing and promotion policies (in comparison to your competition)
  • Seasonal variation
Sales Forecast With Breakeven
  • Industry and target market description and outlook (optional)
  • Number of monthly forecasts/starting month and year
  • Size and growth rate of the target market
  • Number and type of competitors
  • Length of time for the growth cycle and the pattern of growth you expect
  • Pricing and promotion policies (in comparison to your competition)
  • Seasonal variation
  • Annual fixed costs, variable cost per unit, selling price per unit
Sales Forecast With Breakeven Analysis and Pricing and Promotion Change Analysis
  • Industry and target market description and outlook (optional)
  • Number of monthly forecasts/starting month and year
  • Size and growth rate of the target market
  • Number and type of competitors
  • Length of time for the growth cycle and the pattern of growth you expect>
  • Pricing and promotion policies (in comparison to your competition)
  • Seasonal variation
  • Annual fixed costs, variable cost per unit, selling price per unit
  • Alternative pricing and promotion policies